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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Vercacmmen, Sten and Borg, Markus and Demeyer, Serge},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {ICSTW} 2023 (IEEE International
                   Conference on Software Testing, Verification and
                   Validation Workshops)},
  pages =         {334 -- 343},
  title =         {Validation of Mutation Testing in the Safety Critical
                   Industry through a Pilot Study},
  year =          {2023},
  abstract =      {Mutation testing is the state-of-the-art technique to
                   evaluate the fault-detection capabilities of a test
                   suite, but its adoption has been limited. In this
                   paper, we aim to investigate where mutation testing
                   fits within the existing test strategies, whether the
                   mutation analysis can be done in a timely manner, and
                   which pain points remain to be tackled for industrial
                   integration. For this, we performed open format
                   interviews with two companies developing safety
                   critical software. Our first case had no experience
                   with mutation testing, allowing us to analyse and aid
                   them with the setup, integration, and the mutation
                   analysis. Our second case has 5 years of experience
                   with mutation testing, providing us with a mature
                   view on mutation testing in practice. Our study found
                   that mutation testing can be combined with continuous
                   integration and offload the work of the human
                   reviewer by providing an initial code-quality review.
                   Equivalent mutants appear to be a less prevalent
                   obstacle, although flaky mutants are a concern that
                   needs to be addressed. Overall, the industrial
                   perception of mutation testing is evolving as more
                   organisations recognise the potential benefits of the
                   technique and work to address its limitations and
  annote =        {workshoppaper},
  doi =           {10.1109/ICSTW58534.2023.00064},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback